Our Services
Full R&D Tax Credit Service
A complete, end-to-end service offering from initial R&D Tax Credit training sessions through to Revenue Audit support. Our most popular service offering with clients, we use our extensive knowledge and experience of the Irish R&D Tax Credit to deliver market leading support through the entire claim process.

Choose Your Service
While our Full R&D Tax Credit Service is the preferred choice for most companies, it may be the case that you are looking for support with a specific area of your tax credit.
Perhaps you are happy with your existing claim process but feel your R&D Team would benefit from an R&D Tax Credit Training Session, covering up-to-date, sector specific guidance and advice?
Or maybe you require assistance with evaluating the eligibility of specific projects?
Have you received a Revenue Audit Notification and need support? We can assist even if you have prepared the claim in-house or with another third party.

Other Services

It may also be possible for R&D performing companies in Ireland to benefit from a reduced corporation tax rate on profits derived from outputs of their R&D. An effective tax rate of 6.25% applies to profits coming within the Knowledge Development Box (“KDB”).
If your R&D has lead to the creation of a Qualifying Asset, namely:
- a Computer Program;
- an invention protected by a qualifying Patent;
- certain supplementary certificates and plant breeder rights
it may be possible to benefit from this reduced corporation tax rate.
If you are a small company, the definition of qualifying assets is expanded to include “inventions that are certified by the Controller of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks as being novel, non obvious and useful“
Contact us today for a free consultation to explore your potential to avail of the KDB

A range of grants are available to R&D performing companies in Ireland, from State and European agencies/bodies. These include:
- Enterprise Ireland
- Bord Iascaigh Mhara
- Horizon Europe
- European Space Agency
- EUREKA Eurostars
Most grants are highly competitive and therefore it is important that the technical, financial and commercial aspects of the project(s) are presented as robustly as possible.
Contact us today to explore the grant opportunities available for your projects.